Kelly Gardens Assisted Living and Memory Care
The average age of our residents is 55, with some residents in their 20’s and some staying with us until late in life. The Kelly Gardens office has a cheerful staff who have been with this community for many years. The office team is efficient in setting up appointments and transportation to medical appointments.
Our referrals come from all over the United States. We are unique in that we cater to a younger population. We have an active and vibrant atmosphere — unlike most homes and corporate facilities that primarily provide services to the elderly.
Kelly Gardens is a place of vibrancy and life – promoting meaning and joy in the lives of residents, families, and our team members. Elders inspire us, motivate us, guide, and direct us. As we work to create an empowering, caring, growing culture for elders, we are also creating our own future. After all, we are all elders-in-waiting!
We invite ideas and suggestions from residents, families, and team members for making life at Kelly Gardens more pleasant, interesting, or fulfilling. We are continually striving for excellence, and we want to hear from you. It is our goal that Kelly Gardens remains a caring community where our value for community can develop and flourish.
Kelly Gardens is located on 8th and Kelly in Downtown Gresham. We are minutes away from access to I-84, 26, and the MAX Blue Line. We also are near many local amenities, and shopping centers.